On Thursday, July 11, 2024 the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging held a full committee hearing titled, “Health Care Transparency: Lowering Costs and Empowering Patients.” At the hearing, Ranking Member Mike Braun (R-IN) spoke about his Health Care PRICE Transparency Act 2.0, which is cosponsored by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. He emphasized the bipartisan nature of the policy: “Combatting health care costs through transparency is something that Republicans and Democrats agree on. President Trump put in place regulations requiring hospitals and insurers to disclose prices, and President Biden has continued to support it.” The bill will empower consumers—patients, employers, unions, and workers—to shop for care, be protected from overcharges, and lower their costs of care and coverage. Sen. Braun said, “Congress needs to ensure that every American seeking health care will know the price up front.” Simon&Co. is proud to represent PatientRightsAdvocate.Org, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, which has been a powerful advocate for systemwide healthcare price transparency. We thank the Committee for its attention to this important topic.
Read the Ranking Member’s full Health Care Pricing Transparency Report.
Read the full Health Care PRICE Transparency Act 2.0.