On March 22, Simon&Co. coordinated a letter to Acting CMS Administrator Elizabeth Richter from 60 Medicaid advocates in support of including non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) within the scope of the temporary increase to 100% in federal matching payments for administration of COVID-19 vaccines. Specifically, the advocates ask that CMS issue regulations or guidance confirming that an eligible vaccine administration expense includes expenses for NEMT services furnished to all Medicaid beneficiaries who are eligible for the vaccine and utilize NEMT to and/or from a COVID-19 vaccine appointment.
The Medical Transportation Access Coalition (MTAC), an NEMT industry coalition which educates federal and state policymakers and other stakeholders about the benefits of medical transportation, also sent a letter to CMS asking that the guidance implementing the 100% FMAP increase include NEMT services to and/or from a vaccine site.